
Finn.no Logo

Developer / Utvikler

Finn.no AS, Oslo - Norway
June 2020 - Current

  • Full stack developer role
  • Data-driven feature developement with regular A/B testing, and first-class user analytics
  • Experience with microfontend architecture
  • Lean software delivery in a mature agile environment
  • Kotlin, Typescript and React tech stack
  • Lexolve Logo

    Developer / Utvikler

    Lawbotics AS, Olso - Norway
    August 2019 - May 2020

  • Implemented agile development practises within team
  • Shape and prioritize new features for development
  • Build and test features, bug fixes and cloud infrastructure improvements
  • Ruby, Typescript, Node, and React tech stack on Google Cloud Platform
  • REA Group Logo


    REA Group, Melbourne - Australia
    March 2018 - July 2019

  • Full stack developer working exclusively with AWS infrastructure
  • Provide after hours technical support on rotating basis
  • Analytical insights for UX (tagging with Telium, Kibana and BigQuery)
  • Experience with building microservices, container architecture
  • Lean software delivery in a mature agile environment
  • Scala, Typescript and React tech stack (among others)
  • REA Group Logo

    Quality Analyst

    REA Group, Melbourne - Australia
    July 2016 - March 2018

  • Sole QA on high profile project responsible for securing AU$220m revenue
  • Responsible for training new staff in QA, including developers
  • Exploratory and automated testing of APIs, websites and mobile applications
  • Cross browser and device testing
  • Contribute to production code base with minor fixes and feature enhancements
  • IAG Logo

    Test Analyst

    Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Melbourne - Australia
    July 2014 - July 2016

  • Responsible for testing multiple business systems integrating with new and legacy applications
  • Created and maintained extensive UI automation test library
  • Training and onboarding of new staff
  • Highly detailed testing of financial ledgers and tax reporting systems
  • Contribute to production code base with minor fixes and feature enhancements
  • IAG Logo

    Business Analyst

    Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Melbourne - Australia
    July 2013 - July 2014

  • Design of new features for various insurance claim systems
  • Responsible for ensuring legal regulations met in system design
  • Conducted user acceptance testing for feedback on bug fixes and new features
  • Primary point of contact with wider business to communicate outages, new release, tactical workarounds to common issues
  • IAG Logo

    Help Desk Consultant

    Insurance Australia Group (IAG), Melbourne - Australia
    August 2012 - July 2013

  • Onboard users during release of new applications
  • Provide national support for thousands of internal and external users
  • Supported more than 60 systems
  • IAG Logo

    Bachelor of Social Science (Sociology)

    Swinburne University of Technology, Melbourne - Australia
    2006 - 2001

    Majors in Sociology, Media. Minor in Literature.

    IAG Logo

    Bachelor of Communication Studies (DTV)

    University of New England - Australia
    2005 - 2009

    Major in Media - Digital Television.